Some sense of clarity

When I left my house for work this morning, I thought “should I drive or walk?” Because the sky every morning this summer has been dark and stormy-this morning was no different. I decided I would walk. During my 20-minute urban hike, I thought how good I felt this morning. I got 10 hours of decent sleep, no  stress and enjoyed being outdoors.
How amazing would it be if the exact feeling I had this morning could be my mentality every minute of every day?Instead of allowing myself to take the negative  surroundings to heart and effect how I think I look and have no self worth.

This morning I woke up refreshed and like my body was reset-I worked out, packed my lunch, got ready for work and walked to work-great start to my day. During my walk (I forgot my headphones-no podcasts this morning), I thought about the need to focus on getting myself healthy-the real definition of healthy not the bull shit one that consists of being skinny and a six pack mid-section.  My definition of healthy is healing my gut through nutrition, getting enough sleep, moving (walking, lifting, moving like a human), and mediation. Once these four things are in place-everything will begin to work naturally.

When the end of the world comes and I am forced to live out of back pack-I am not going to give a shit about how my rear end looks in whatever clothes I am wearing. What is going to matter is that I can travel on foot and carry my back pack and other gear, and survive. So focusing on getting myself to the true definition of healthy is all I care about now, not the reflection in the mirror. Because once I am healthy, everything else will work out just fine.

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