Tag Archives: keep moving

Working Out from Home Gym

I have left the crossfit box I used to go to 2 months ago. I had a hard time coming home from work and having to wait an hour or two to go to the gym to do the work out at 6pm or 7pm. I can’t believe we started learning about Snatches, jerks, and Clean around this time last year. I have had some terrible injuries and setbacks over the last  year. But that is for another time or different post.

The last 2 months I have been lifting 3 times a week at home, we recently purchased some bumper plates and it has been helpful. Also, for Christmas my amazing boyfriend got me a ladies barbell + a plyo box-which he constructed himself-wonderful wonderful christmas gifts.

Anyway in merely 8 short weeks I have increased by back squat by 20 pounds and my dead lift by 15 pounds. I am also battling some mobility issues in my shoulders, chest and calves.  But I am less injured than I have been since quitting crossfit, going at fast paces for the WODs wasn’t for me. The workouts were amazing, but my form wouldn’t even be close to good and I know practice makes perfect, also I wasn’t seeing the weight increase on the bar.

The programming I have written for myself based on what I learned from Crossfit and my previous lifting experience is working for my strength just more time needs to be spent on mobility or stretching.

Also, I really need to get my nutrition back in check.