Motivation-getting over my fear of Heavy Weights.

Where does this come from? I attended my Box’s barbell class last night and a woman I have been bsing with at events was there and we ended up being partners due to not enough racks. She is very strong and motivated.

I am still very scared to lift very heavy, because I am not sure I am doing the movements correctly. Having a lifting partner that forces you to break out of the mental cages in your brain is exactly what I needed. I needed a swift kick in the butt physically and mentally, and she was there to give it to me.

The work out was:
Push Press  5 sets x 2 reps with 2 second pause in lockout, Max @90 pounds for 2 sets
2 Clean lift off (knee) + clean pull Max @ 115 for 2 sets
Power clean + 2 TnG hang power cleans Max @95 for 2 sets

If I was on my own I would have done 70, 85, 70-she told me I do not give myself enough credit for how strong I actually am, and to quit being scared. The worst thing that can happen is I drop the bar, strip the weight and try again.

Lesson learned: get out of your head, and try it. Do not let your insecurities keep you from doing things. In my case yeah I can lift a lot heavier than I was allowing myself, and if I failed big deal, drop it, strip it and try again.

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