Tag Archives: caveman

Dry Rub Chicken Wings


5 Pounds of Chicken Wings
1/2 cup of Cassava Flour or Gluten Free Flour
BBQ Spice (recipe)
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon Cilantro


In a mixing bowl place the chicken wings

Add spices to the chicken wings and toss/mix IMG_3721
Toss in Cassava Flour (gluten free flour can also be used)
Place on raised cooking rack and back for 20 minutes in Oven IMG_3722
Spinkle BBQ Dry Rub on both sides of wings
Place wings back in the oven and broil for 10-15 minutes


8/11/15 WOD

I have been spending more of my energy trying to work on my mobility. One day I stood up and my lower back and glutes began to radiate with pain and tightness. I feel like I am 20 years older with the stiffness. I had a similar feeling last year around this time and went and saw a chiropractic that used ART and it did help a lot. I am again seeing him, and doing a lot of work on my own, It just sucks that I shouldn’t feel this crappy and tight. But in time it will get better. I am still working out, but not pushing myself.

The WOD yesterday was:
Even: 5 TnG Power Cleans 65, 70, 75, 80,85, 85 The first set of 85 weren’t the best form so for the last set I stayed at 85.
Odd: 4-6 DB/KB Arnold Press 5 @ 20 pound DB, 5 @ 25 pound DB,  5 @ 25 pound DB, 5 @ 25 pound DB, 4 @ 25 pound DB, 4 @ 25 pound DB

Muscle Ups (Sub C2B Pullups)- I used a thick band and was able to do 3 reps of chin ups for 3 sets
8 Thrusters – Each round was at 55 pounds
Finish time was 7:02

I was smoked after this workout, I really wanted to lay on the ground and cry. I pushed myself very hard, and lifted a little heavier than I should have. Today I am going to rest, walk, do yoga and work on some mobility.

Ground Beef Jerky

2-3 pounds of lean ground beef (85/15, 90/10/ 96/4 all work)
1/2 cup coconut aminos, if you do not want to buy coconut aminos-this recipe works well as a substitute (http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2014/03/01/substitute-soy-sauce-coconut-aminos/)
2 table spoons of liquid smoke
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp  Apple Cider Vinegar

Place ground beef in a mixing bowl
Add all the ingredients to the mixing bowl

Use your hands to mix the ingredients into the ground beef
Place the mixed ground beef into a zip lock bag and place in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. This will allow the seasoning to flavor the beef.

Place beef into a jerky gun. Using the gun make stripes of jerky onto each tray of the dehydrator

Once all the beef is placed on trays in the dehydrator, set the temperature to 160 for 4-6 hours.

I store mine in zip lock bags in the fridge, it lasts about one month. Although, it seems to never make it a week in our house.

****If you do not have a jerky gun: Place parchment paper on a hard surface and then place some the beef mixture on top. Place a second piece of parchment paper on top of the ground beef. Using a glass or rolling pin, roll the ground beef flat to about ¼ of an inch. Remove the top layer of parchment paper, and use a knife to cut small stripes of jerky.

****If you do not have a dehydrator: Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Line cookie sheets with aluminum foil, then place a cookie rack or raise rack over the cookie sheet. Set your stripes of beef on the rack and place in oven for 3-4 hours. It may help to place a towel between the oven and oven door while the ground beef is cooking.

Rest Day: get outside and play

I am starting to notice how my body is changing from doing some form of movement every day for the last 2 weeks. My quads are gaining a more prominent definition, my arms are becoming a little more sculpted, and there is a clear definition between my traps and shoulders. These changes are amazing, with this I need to also take it easy and rest. On Saturday I decided not to workout in the gym or do yoga. I spent the day exploring waterfalls and a park. This was a lot of fun, and I did workout actually. I was climbing in and out of gorges to get close to the waterfalls. I was jumping over rocks, balancing on logs to walk across. I am seeing the purpose of the ever so dreadful and hated box jumps and burpees as actually functional movements. My legs are much stronger and I am able to have a longer range of motion when I was trying to get on taller boulders. Thanks box jumps. I also noticed I am able move faster and with more power when I was climbing between the boulders and using the roots, logs and trees to move along the stream and gorge walls, thanks burpees. Just because it is a rest day, doesn’t mean you need to sit on the couch and do nothing, get up, outside and walk, climb, and jump. Enjoy the time you do not have to be sitting at desk doing mindless, numbing work to pay the bills, plus nature is free.11750641_10100709563760806_7692774069209529506_n 11750641_10100709563740846_7844230891705071185_n 11705194_10100709563700926_7166910906023686492_n 11012189_10100709563790746_3707369672479588920_n 10986662_10100709563730866_5409535425164784211_n

Give Me Something

Music-listening to the sounds and lyrics in some ways sets my mind free, and allows me to really breathe. I stumbled upon a band called Scars on 45 the other day. They have been around for sometime in the UK/US. I was listening to the Jassa Method Podcast and the guest was the keyboard player from this band, and he was discussing his journey to the Paleo lifestyle and being healthy, even on the road as a rock star. It was a really enjoyable podcast episode.

Like a dork-I went to youtube and listened to a few songs from the band and was really taken away. The one song that really grabbed my attention is “Give Me Something”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bU3noqvozw. The lyrics that really took me away were

“I carved your name~In an old oak tree~But the council chopped it down~’Cause it was filled with disease~And I sent you a thousand messages~But not a single one came through”
“Give me something~That links me to you”
“I’ve seen a place~Where your fingers lock with mine~But the view it disappeared~As my alarm clock hit the time”

That is really the entire song minus the chorus. The music with the lyrics made me happy and I began to breathe.

Managing your stress is very important to your health, it aids in sleeping better, getting through the day, and making better food choices. The next small goal I am working on is Mediation and managing my stress. This is probably the hardest thing for me to do. I’ve never mediated, or really spent time just focusing on something like a song playing, or my own breath inhaling or exhaling.

I have been spending about 30 minutes listening to music and laying down on my couch or bed the last few days-just enjoying the sound and lyrics. Then before bed using the app called “Simply Being” to mediate before bed and fall asleep. My sleep the last few nights has been better, it still is not great. But just like everything else it is a work in progress. I am excited to read the books titled “8 Minute Meditation” and “Why Zebras Do not Get Ulcers”  and working on this pillar of health to become a better and healthier human.

Motivation-getting over my fear of Heavy Weights.

Where does this come from? I attended my Box’s barbell class last night and a woman I have been bsing with at events was there and we ended up being partners due to not enough racks. She is very strong and motivated.

I am still very scared to lift very heavy, because I am not sure I am doing the movements correctly. Having a lifting partner that forces you to break out of the mental cages in your brain is exactly what I needed. I needed a swift kick in the butt physically and mentally, and she was there to give it to me.

The work out was:
Push Press  5 sets x 2 reps with 2 second pause in lockout, Max @90 pounds for 2 sets
2 Clean lift off (knee) + clean pull Max @ 115 for 2 sets
Power clean + 2 TnG hang power cleans Max @95 for 2 sets

If I was on my own I would have done 70, 85, 70-she told me I do not give myself enough credit for how strong I actually am, and to quit being scared. The worst thing that can happen is I drop the bar, strip the weight and try again.

Lesson learned: get out of your head, and try it. Do not let your insecurities keep you from doing things. In my case yeah I can lift a lot heavier than I was allowing myself, and if I failed big deal, drop it, strip it and try again.

7.8.15 WOD

1-1/4 back squats *30X1 tempo: 3 seconds down; 1 second pause at top *no bouncing during the 1/4 squat!!! – 4 sets x 4 reps – rest 30 seconds before A2 (65, 70. 75. 80) during each set the 4th rep was impossible, going slow and holding at the bottom, then exploding up is difficult. But I got it done!
amrap strict ring pull ups (chin over rings)-I subbed ring rows, since I can barely do a chin up with the resistance bands on the bar. (6,8,9, 7) – 4 sets – rest 90 seconds before A1

5 rounds for time:
5 thrusters I started at 45 for the first 3 sets, but had to scale down to 35 pounds for the last two sets,  these are a really difficult movement. In time like the dreaded burpees they won’t be as difficult, just the bane of my existence.
7 burpee over the bar-these were relatively easy but still kicked my bum, considering the other day my WOD had 75 burpees for the METCON portion of the workout.

I was sweaty and out of breathe after this WOD, I know one day they will get easier. However, each WOD or Barbell class makes me stronger.


I try to make meatballs every two weeks, they are relativity easy and are a great staple to have in the fridge to make many different meals, or just snack on.

2 pounds of Ground Meat (I used Beef 85/15)
1 egg
2 tablespoons of parsley
1 tablespoon of cilantro
1 tablespoon of oregano
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 tablespoon of Marjoram
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon of black pepper
¼ cup of Almond meal or coconut flour

Preheat the oven to 350
Place ground meat in a mixing bowl
Add the spices, flour/meal and egg to the mixing bowl

Using your hands mix all the ingredients together until all the ingredients are well blended
Roll the meat into 1 to 1 and ½ inch balls and place on the roasting rack

Place the meatballs into the oven for 45 minutes


Hint: I used a stainless steel pan with a raised rack and a silicone-baking sheet. I put the silicone-baking sheet under the raised rack to catch all the fat and drippings from the meat. This will make cleaning everything after the meatballs are finished much easier. Also, using the raised rack will make the meatballs crispy.
