Rest Day: get outside and play

I am starting to notice how my body is changing from doing some form of movement every day for the last 2 weeks. My quads are gaining a more prominent definition, my arms are becoming a little more sculpted, and there is a clear definition between my traps and shoulders. These changes are amazing, with this I need to also take it easy and rest. On Saturday I decided not to workout in the gym or do yoga. I spent the day exploring waterfalls and a park. This was a lot of fun, and I did workout actually. I was climbing in and out of gorges to get close to the waterfalls. I was jumping over rocks, balancing on logs to walk across. I am seeing the purpose of the ever so dreadful and hated box jumps and burpees as actually functional movements. My legs are much stronger and I am able to have a longer range of motion when I was trying to get on taller boulders. Thanks box jumps. I also noticed I am able move faster and with more power when I was climbing between the boulders and using the roots, logs and trees to move along the stream and gorge walls, thanks burpees. Just because it is a rest day, doesn’t mean you need to sit on the couch and do nothing, get up, outside and walk, climb, and jump. Enjoy the time you do not have to be sitting at desk doing mindless, numbing work to pay the bills, plus nature is free.11750641_10100709563760806_7692774069209529506_n 11750641_10100709563740846_7844230891705071185_n 11705194_10100709563700926_7166910906023686492_n 11012189_10100709563790746_3707369672479588920_n 10986662_10100709563730866_5409535425164784211_n

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