8/11/15 WOD

I have been spending more of my energy trying to work on my mobility. One day I stood up and my lower back and glutes began to radiate with pain and tightness. I feel like I am 20 years older with the stiffness. I had a similar feeling last year around this time and went and saw a chiropractic that used ART and it did help a lot. I am again seeing him, and doing a lot of work on my own, It just sucks that I shouldn’t feel this crappy and tight. But in time it will get better. I am still working out, but not pushing myself.

The WOD yesterday was:
Even: 5 TnG Power Cleans 65, 70, 75, 80,85, 85 The first set of 85 weren’t the best form so for the last set I stayed at 85.
Odd: 4-6 DB/KB Arnold Press 5 @ 20 pound DB, 5 @ 25 pound DB,  5 @ 25 pound DB, 5 @ 25 pound DB, 4 @ 25 pound DB, 4 @ 25 pound DB

Muscle Ups (Sub C2B Pullups)- I used a thick band and was able to do 3 reps of chin ups for 3 sets
8 Thrusters – Each round was at 55 pounds
Finish time was 7:02

I was smoked after this workout, I really wanted to lay on the ground and cry. I pushed myself very hard, and lifted a little heavier than I should have. Today I am going to rest, walk, do yoga and work on some mobility.

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