WOD 8/31/2015

Workout of the Day
A. Pause back squat @ 11X1 tempo (*1 seconds down, 1 second pause at bottom0 – Build to a 1RM in 5 sets– rest 3-4 minutes between sets *max of 20 minutes here 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 115 was heavy but it wasn’t much of a struggle to get down and come back up-even with the pauses. I really just ran out of time. Also, I had no pain in my lower back or back in general while doing this movement. I was more concerned with my form then having a PR weight number. Win win.

B. Pendlay row @ 31X1 tempo (*3 seconds down, 1 second pause at bottom and 1 second pin the bar to your chest)– 6, 6, 4– rest 2 minutes between sets. I did 55 pounds for all 3 sets, again I was working on maintaining the correct form verses trying to go heavy. These were pretty hard by them selves with the 30 seconds down, hold one at the bottom, then 1 second to get the bar to the chest, and holding this position.

15 front squat from the floor
20 pull ups/ring rows
5 power snatches
20 pull ups/ring rows
15 front squat from the floor

I went with a lighter weight, because both of these movements I haven’t done in quite a long time. I used 40 pounds for the front squats and snatches, I also did ring rows instead of pull ups. Although, I should have used 55. It would have helped with better form for the snatches. The rings rows were really hard, but I loved them. I walked away relatively pain free from the workout. The entire combonation took me 6:08 minutes to complete. Then, I spent about 10 minutes form rolling after the workout. My legs and hips are really tight.

The last visit I had with the Chiropractor we talked a lot about him being less concerned with me trying to put the clean, snatch and front squat back into my workouts. However, not trying all three at once, and seeing how they will affect me, during the movement and after. I had every intention of taking his advice, however I got the worst cold of my life. This cold knocked me out for about 4 days. I am feeling better, but even with this Crossfit workout I wanted to take it slow coming back so I could attend more than one or twice a month.

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