Tag Archives: behavior

Give Me Something

Music-listening to the sounds and lyrics in some ways sets my mind free, and allows me to really breathe. I stumbled upon a band called Scars on 45 the other day. They have been around for sometime in the UK/US. I was listening to the Jassa Method Podcast and the guest was the keyboard player from this band, and he was discussing his journey to the Paleo lifestyle and being healthy, even on the road as a rock star. It was a really enjoyable podcast episode.

Like a dork-I went to youtube and listened to a few songs from the band and was really taken away. The one song that really grabbed my attention is “Give Me Something”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bU3noqvozw. The lyrics that really took me away were

“I carved your name~In an old oak tree~But the council chopped it down~’Cause it was filled with disease~And I sent you a thousand messages~But not a single one came through”
“Give me something~That links me to you”
“I’ve seen a place~Where your fingers lock with mine~But the view it disappeared~As my alarm clock hit the time”

That is really the entire song minus the chorus. The music with the lyrics made me happy and I began to breathe.

Managing your stress is very important to your health, it aids in sleeping better, getting through the day, and making better food choices. The next small goal I am working on is Mediation and managing my stress. This is probably the hardest thing for me to do. I’ve never mediated, or really spent time just focusing on something like a song playing, or my own breath inhaling or exhaling.

I have been spending about 30 minutes listening to music and laying down on my couch or bed the last few days-just enjoying the sound and lyrics. Then before bed using the app called “Simply Being” to mediate before bed and fall asleep. My sleep the last few nights has been better, it still is not great. But just like everything else it is a work in progress. I am excited to read the books titled “8 Minute Meditation” and “Why Zebras Do not Get Ulcers”  and working on this pillar of health to become a better and healthier human.