Tag Archives: goal

Day 8 of 21 AM Workout Progress

My last post I talked about making small goals and mastering those first, to achieve your overall goal. my first goal-wake up every morning for 21 days and workout-well Monday morning I didn’t get out of bed to workout-but as soon as I walked in the door from work I did my AM workout. So, I am not counting it as a fail, because I still did the workout. Then this morning getting up was easy for the workout. I realized in order to achieve this little goal of moving everyday-I need to get enough sleep. Which Sunday night I did not, but last night I went to bed at 930pm. So I have 2 small goals this week: be in bed by 9:30 so my AM workouts do happen, and the second goal is to visit my crossfit box 3 times this week-regardless of the movements and how humid it is outside.

Even when you are working on one small step to achieve the big prize (optimal health) there are other things in your life you also need to adjust-like sleeping.


My goodness it is FRIDAY #TGIF.

In order to reach your overall goal-you have to set small ones- one at a time. Then focus on mastering that one small goal before you take on another small goal. My optimal goal is better health. Focused on four components: movement, eating, mediation, and sleep.

At the beginning of July I wanted to go back to eating my clean diet (no grains, soy, sugar, processed foods, ect.), working out more frequently or just moving, mediate every night, not drink alcohol as occasionally as I was, and get my sleep right. But this was an epic failure, I can not accomplish all of this at once. I have to take each component one at a time, master them and make a habit before moving onto the next one.

My first goal is to get up every morning before work and workout for 30 minutes for 3 weeks. I am on day 4 of 21 of this goal with 17 more days to go! I also want to start going back to my Crossfit Box at least 3 times a week for barbell class and a WOD or 2.

  • Week 1, I have been getting up and working out, and walking for an hour on the treadmill during lunch.
  • Week 2, I plan to keep up the walking and AM 30 minute work out, then add a WOD on Monday  and Thursday night, Barbell Class on Wed and Friday.
  • Week 3, keep up with everything but replace one day of walking with some running or rowing for a 5k.

Any change in your behavior takes 3 weeks for it to  become part of your daily routine. If I am going to achieve my ultimate goal of total health then it has to be one step at a time. My first one is dedicating my time to movement. The next one is diet.