Tag Archives: no carb

Dry Rub Chicken Wings


5 Pounds of Chicken Wings
1/2 cup of Cassava Flour or Gluten Free Flour
BBQ Spice (recipe)
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon Cilantro


In a mixing bowl place the chicken wings

Add spices to the chicken wings and toss/mix IMG_3721
Toss in Cassava Flour (gluten free flour can also be used)
Place on raised cooking rack and back for 20 minutes in Oven IMG_3722
Spinkle BBQ Dry Rub on both sides of wings
Place wings back in the oven and broil for 10-15 minutes


Stuffed Mushrooms-crab, bacon and cream cheese

1 package of cream cheese, soften
2 pounds of mushrooms
1 clove of garlic
10 oz of lumped crab meat
¼ of a medium white onion chopped
4-5 slices of bacon
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
Slice bacon into small pieces and chop onion and garlic
Place all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix together
Using a spoon stuff each mushroom with the mixture
IMG_2180 IMG_2183
Place on a baking sheet (I used a silicon mat)
Place and oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown on top of the mushrooms

Cheese Steak Casserole

1-2 pounds of shaved steak
1 package of mushrooms, chopped
2 Bell Peppers, chopped
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
12 ounces of mozzarella cheese, shredded.

1. Preheat the oven, 350 degrees
2. In a frying pan saute the chopped peppers and onions
3. Layer the meat, veggies, and cheese and continue until the casserole dish is filled to the top
4. Cover the casserole dish with foil, and place in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

Ground Beef Jerky

2-3 pounds of lean ground beef (85/15, 90/10/ 96/4 all work)
1/2 cup coconut aminos, if you do not want to buy coconut aminos-this recipe works well as a substitute (http://theclothesmakethegirl.com/2014/03/01/substitute-soy-sauce-coconut-aminos/)
2 table spoons of liquid smoke
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 tsp Chili Powder
1 tsp  Apple Cider Vinegar

Place ground beef in a mixing bowl
Add all the ingredients to the mixing bowl

Use your hands to mix the ingredients into the ground beef
Place the mixed ground beef into a zip lock bag and place in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. This will allow the seasoning to flavor the beef.

Place beef into a jerky gun. Using the gun make stripes of jerky onto each tray of the dehydrator

Once all the beef is placed on trays in the dehydrator, set the temperature to 160 for 4-6 hours.

I store mine in zip lock bags in the fridge, it lasts about one month. Although, it seems to never make it a week in our house.

****If you do not have a jerky gun: Place parchment paper on a hard surface and then place some the beef mixture on top. Place a second piece of parchment paper on top of the ground beef. Using a glass or rolling pin, roll the ground beef flat to about ¼ of an inch. Remove the top layer of parchment paper, and use a knife to cut small stripes of jerky.

****If you do not have a dehydrator: Preheat the oven to 170 degrees. Line cookie sheets with aluminum foil, then place a cookie rack or raise rack over the cookie sheet. Set your stripes of beef on the rack and place in oven for 3-4 hours. It may help to place a towel between the oven and oven door while the ground beef is cooking.

Korean style beef

1 pound ground beef
1/2 cup of Coconut aminos
1 tablespoon of toasted sesame oil
3 cloves of minced garlic
1 tablespoon of minced ginger
1/2-1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper
salt and pepper
1 bunch of green onions, diced

Heat a skillet and brown the hamburger image3 (3)
In a separate skillet saute the minced garlic and diced onions.
image6 (2)
Once the onions of garlic have been cooked, add them to a mixing bowl. Add the coconut aminos, ginger, salt and pepper, crushed red pepper and sesame oil to the mixing bowl.
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Whisk all the ingredients together that are in the mixing bowl.
image6 (3)
Once the burger is browned, drain the access fat/liquid from the skillet and add the ingredients from the mixing bowl to the skillet and  simmer for 5-10 minutes on low heat.
Serve over rice or cauliflower rice

Asparagus, Bacon, and Eggs Bake

6-8 strips of bacon
Asparagus 1-1 1/2 pounds
8 eggs
Juice from ½ lemon
Thyme 1 teaspoon
Black Pepper 1 teaspoon

1. Preheat the oven to 450
2. In a Pyrex baking dish place the strips of bacon in the dish, once the oven is preheated place the bacon in the oven for 8-10 minutes
image6 (1)
3.Remove dish from oven, add the asparagus on top of the bacon, pour the lemon juice over the asparagus and bacon, and add black pepper and thyme. Place dish back into the oven for 8-10 minutes
image7 (2)
4. Remove dish, and crack eggs over the bacon and asparagus, place back in the oven for 5 minutes, or until the eggs are fully cooked. Then remove from oven and enjoy.
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5. Then remove from the oven and enjoy.
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My goodness it is FRIDAY #TGIF.

In order to reach your overall goal-you have to set small ones- one at a time. Then focus on mastering that one small goal before you take on another small goal. My optimal goal is better health. Focused on four components: movement, eating, mediation, and sleep.

At the beginning of July I wanted to go back to eating my clean diet (no grains, soy, sugar, processed foods, ect.), working out more frequently or just moving, mediate every night, not drink alcohol as occasionally as I was, and get my sleep right. But this was an epic failure, I can not accomplish all of this at once. I have to take each component one at a time, master them and make a habit before moving onto the next one.

My first goal is to get up every morning before work and workout for 30 minutes for 3 weeks. I am on day 4 of 21 of this goal with 17 more days to go! I also want to start going back to my Crossfit Box at least 3 times a week for barbell class and a WOD or 2.

  • Week 1, I have been getting up and working out, and walking for an hour on the treadmill during lunch.
  • Week 2, I plan to keep up the walking and AM 30 minute work out, then add a WOD on Monday  and Thursday night, Barbell Class on Wed and Friday.
  • Week 3, keep up with everything but replace one day of walking with some running or rowing for a 5k.

Any change in your behavior takes 3 weeks for it to  become part of your daily routine. If I am going to achieve my ultimate goal of total health then it has to be one step at a time. My first one is dedicating my time to movement. The next one is diet.

Zucchini Noodles (Zoodles)

3-5 small zucchini’s

Paper towels
Spiral Vegetable Slicer Spiral Cutter

Cut ends of zucchini off
Place one zucchini in the spiral cutter and make noodles. Repeat the same step until each zucchini is made into noodles.
Place a dish towel out on the counter, then place a layer of paper towels over the towel
Place the zoodles on the paper towels
Sprinkle salt over the zoodles
Place an additional layer of paper towels over the salted zoodles for 15-20 minutes to bring the water out of the zoodles
Once the water is removed from the zoodles, place in a heated skilled with your favorite cooking fat for 2-3 minutes to make al-dente serve with your favorite seasonings or sauce


I try to make meatballs every two weeks, they are relativity easy and are a great staple to have in the fridge to make many different meals, or just snack on.

2 pounds of Ground Meat (I used Beef 85/15)
1 egg
2 tablespoons of parsley
1 tablespoon of cilantro
1 tablespoon of oregano
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 tablespoon of Marjoram
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon of black pepper
¼ cup of Almond meal or coconut flour

Preheat the oven to 350
Place ground meat in a mixing bowl
Add the spices, flour/meal and egg to the mixing bowl

Using your hands mix all the ingredients together until all the ingredients are well blended
Roll the meat into 1 to 1 and ½ inch balls and place on the roasting rack

Place the meatballs into the oven for 45 minutes


Hint: I used a stainless steel pan with a raised rack and a silicone-baking sheet. I put the silicone-baking sheet under the raised rack to catch all the fat and drippings from the meat. This will make cleaning everything after the meatballs are finished much easier. Also, using the raised rack will make the meatballs crispy.
