Tag Archives: july 2015

7.8.15 WOD

1-1/4 back squats *30X1 tempo: 3 seconds down; 1 second pause at top *no bouncing during the 1/4 squat!!! – 4 sets x 4 reps – rest 30 seconds before A2 (65, 70. 75. 80) during each set the 4th rep was impossible, going slow and holding at the bottom, then exploding up is difficult. But I got it done!
amrap strict ring pull ups (chin over rings)-I subbed ring rows, since I can barely do a chin up with the resistance bands on the bar. (6,8,9, 7) – 4 sets – rest 90 seconds before A1

5 rounds for time:
5 thrusters I started at 45 for the first 3 sets, but had to scale down to 35 pounds for the last two sets,  these are a really difficult movement. In time like the dreaded burpees they won’t be as difficult, just the bane of my existence.
7 burpee over the bar-these were relatively easy but still kicked my bum, considering the other day my WOD had 75 burpees for the METCON portion of the workout.

I was sweaty and out of breathe after this WOD, I know one day they will get easier. However, each WOD or Barbell class makes me stronger.