Tag Archives: strong

Day 8 of 21 AM Workout Progress

My last post I talked about making small goals and mastering those first, to achieve your overall goal. my first goal-wake up every morning for 21 days and workout-well Monday morning I didn’t get out of bed to workout-but as soon as I walked in the door from work I did my AM workout. So, I am not counting it as a fail, because I still did the workout. Then this morning getting up was easy for the workout. I realized in order to achieve this little goal of moving everyday-I need to get enough sleep. Which Sunday night I did not, but last night I went to bed at 930pm. So I have 2 small goals this week: be in bed by 9:30 so my AM workouts do happen, and the second goal is to visit my crossfit box 3 times this week-regardless of the movements and how humid it is outside.

Even when you are working on one small step to achieve the big prize (optimal health) there are other things in your life you also need to adjust-like sleeping.

7.8.15 WOD

1-1/4 back squats *30X1 tempo: 3 seconds down; 1 second pause at top *no bouncing during the 1/4 squat!!! – 4 sets x 4 reps – rest 30 seconds before A2 (65, 70. 75. 80) during each set the 4th rep was impossible, going slow and holding at the bottom, then exploding up is difficult. But I got it done!
amrap strict ring pull ups (chin over rings)-I subbed ring rows, since I can barely do a chin up with the resistance bands on the bar. (6,8,9, 7) – 4 sets – rest 90 seconds before A1

5 rounds for time:
5 thrusters I started at 45 for the first 3 sets, but had to scale down to 35 pounds for the last two sets,  these are a really difficult movement. In time like the dreaded burpees they won’t be as difficult, just the bane of my existence.
7 burpee over the bar-these were relatively easy but still kicked my bum, considering the other day my WOD had 75 burpees for the METCON portion of the workout.

I was sweaty and out of breathe after this WOD, I know one day they will get easier. However, each WOD or Barbell class makes me stronger.

Workout 7.7.15


First off yesterday, it was to humid to go to the Box for me, I am such a wuss-I didn’t want to run or jump rope in the humidity. Also, I haven’t benched pressed or done ancillary work on my biceps or triceps. One of the best investments we made at our house was in gym equipment. Our power rack, barbell and Olympic weights come in handy, when you are being a baby because it is to hot outside to run and jump rope or when the snow and ice make it impossible to get out of the house. So tonight I worked on the following:

Bench Press (5,5,3,3,1) 95, 100, 105,110 and 115- at 115 I couldn’t push the bar off the rack, so I needed help. I did 1 and 1/2 reps-which is awesome. Last week I could barely push 100 pounds for 3-4 reps. Also, my dog isaac decided he wanted to get in on the benching.


Isolated Bicep Curls w/ Dumbbell: 3 sets with increasing weight- 25 pounds was to much and I couldn’t push out a lot of reps, and struggled with this much.

Pull ups-I can barely do these with the assistance of a very thick band, practice practice practice, is what is comes down to. However, this was the hardest movement I did of the evening.

Hammer Curls-I think this is my favorite movement for strengthening by biceps.

Standing Shoulder Press/Strict Press: This movement always sets my shoulders on fire, regardless of the weight. I have just been using our 45 pound barbell when I am doing these, tonight I thought i’d try adding 5 pounds per set. There was still a lot of burning but it wasn’t impossible for the remaining sets.

Tricep push back-I think i see better results from dips and skull crushers than this movement-however when I was pushing the 30 pound dumbbell, I felt my triceps working.

Air squats: No weight and why not. Squatting never hurt anyone.