Tag Archives: real food

Dry Rub Chicken Wings


5 Pounds of Chicken Wings
1/2 cup of Cassava Flour or Gluten Free Flour
BBQ Spice (recipe)
1 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon Cilantro


In a mixing bowl place the chicken wings

Add spices to the chicken wings and toss/mix IMG_3721
Toss in Cassava Flour (gluten free flour can also be used)
Place on raised cooking rack and back for 20 minutes in Oven IMG_3722
Spinkle BBQ Dry Rub on both sides of wings
Place wings back in the oven and broil for 10-15 minutes


Stuffed Mushrooms-crab, bacon and cream cheese

1 package of cream cheese, soften
2 pounds of mushrooms
1 clove of garlic
10 oz of lumped crab meat
¼ of a medium white onion chopped
4-5 slices of bacon
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F
Slice bacon into small pieces and chop onion and garlic
Place all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix together
Using a spoon stuff each mushroom with the mixture
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Place on a baking sheet (I used a silicon mat)
Place and oven for 25 minutes or until golden brown on top of the mushrooms

Cheese Steak Casserole

1-2 pounds of shaved steak
1 package of mushrooms, chopped
2 Bell Peppers, chopped
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
12 ounces of mozzarella cheese, shredded.

1. Preheat the oven, 350 degrees
2. In a frying pan saute the chopped peppers and onions
3. Layer the meat, veggies, and cheese and continue until the casserole dish is filled to the top
4. Cover the casserole dish with foil, and place in the oven for 40-45 minutes.

Eating real food, why is it so hard to look at french fries or an Italian sub and not walk away? Then make a better decision to eat something real like a chicken breast or a piece of steak? I have been having issues always choosing the correct thing to eat this week. I ate an Italian sub this week, and felt like I carried a brick in my gut for 15 hours. I noticed that my performance while doing my weekly sprints was affected. Even though I had extra carbs in my system, I felt like there was no gas in the tank. I also followed the next meal with french fries that were tossed in gluten and fried in shitty canola oil, I felt like I needed to take a shower after indulging in every one of those fries. That evening I didn’t sleep very well, actually it was only 5 hours and it wasn’t continuous sleep. Then throughout yesterday I felt bloated all day, and even though yesterday I made healthy meal choices (YAY), I don’t feel like I adsorbed any of the meals I ate because my intestines and body were stunned and still in the reaction phase by my bad choices and acting out like a two year old that didn’t get what it wanted. To be honest, my body didn’t get what it wanted so acting childish and throwing a tantrum was well deserved. I should have eaten the sweet potato mash, cauliflower, and grilled pork chops that I had every intention of preparing but failed to do so, and ate crap.

Well with the good and the bad, I will move on and try my best to eat the best food possible, and not be lazy about preparing and eating the food I worked hard to prepare and shop for.

TGIF: I woke up earlier this morning by 30 minutes and got on my spinning bike for 25 minutes and went for a leisurely ride while watching Netflix. Last night I made seasoned fingerling potatoes, broccoli, salt and pepper flank steak and chicken breasts. For breakfast-chicken sausage, different root veggies hash and hard cooked eggs. I will eat like I am suppose to today-and have success at my crossfit gym completing the Barbell Class to start the weekend on a more positive note.